Ya Rab! Dil-e-Muslim Ko Woh Zinda Tamana De
Jo Qalb Ko Garma De, Jo Rooh Ko Tarpa De
Lord, fill the Muslim�s heart with a desire so fervent
That it will set his heart aflame and stir his soul.
Phir Wadi-e-Faran Ke Har Zarre Ko Chamka De
Phir Shauq-e-Tamasha De, Phir Zauq-e-Taqaza
Light up again every speck of dust in the Valley of Faran.
Make us long again for beautiful sights, and create in us the urge to make demands.
Mehroom-e-Tamasha Ko Phir Dida-e-Beena De
Dekha Hai Jo Kuch Mein Ne Auron Ko Bhi Dikhla De
Give piercing vision to those deprived of sight,
and show to others what I have seen.
Ya Rab! Dil-e-Muslim Ko Woh Zinda Tamana De
Jo Qalb Ko Garma De, Jo Rooh Ko Tarpa De
Lord, fill the Muslim�s heart with a desire so fervent
That it will set his heart aflame and stir his soul.
� Allah ! Habilite le c�ur des Musulmans de ce d�sir ardent
qui emballe le c�ur et qui violente l'�me.
Phir Wadi-e-Faran Ke Har Zarre Ko Chamka De
Phir Shauq-e-Tamasha De, Phir Zauq-e-Taqaza
Light up again every speck of dust in the Valley of Faran.
Make us long again for beautiful sights, and create in us the urge to make demands.
Ensuite fait briller chaque particule de La vall�e de Faran.
Puis donne nous la curiosit� voir et exhorte nous � te solliciter.
Mehroom-e-Tamasha Ko Phir Dida-e-Beena De
Dekha Hai Jo Kuch Mein Ne Auron Ko Bhi Dikhla De
Give piercing vision to those deprived of sight,
and show to others what I have seen.
A ceux qui ne peuvent pas voir, donne leur la capacit� de voir(comprendre)
Que ce que j'ai vu d'autres puissent le voir aussi.
Bhatke Huway Aahu Ko Phir Soo�ay Haram Le Chal
Iss Sheher Ke Khugar Ko Phir Wusaat-e-Sehra De
Lead the stray gazelle back to the Sanctuary.
It has grown used to the city - Give it back the vastness of the desert.
Aux personnes �gar�s montre le chemin de Mecque.
Aux penseurs de cette ville offre l'�tendu d'un d�sert.
Paida Dil-e-Weeran Mein Phir Shaurish-e-Mehshar Kar
Iss Mehmil-e-Khali Ko Phir Shahid-e-Laila De
Stir up again the ruins of the heart with a commotion like judgment Day.
Let this empty litter once again seat a sweetheart - a Layla!
Iss Dour Ki Zulmat Mein Har Qalb-e-Preshan Ko
Woh Dagh-e-Mohabbat De Jo Chand Ko Sharma De
In the darkness of this age give to every troubled heart
Scars of love that would shame the moon.
Riffat Mein Maqasid Ko Humdosh-e-Surraya Kar
Khuddari-e-Sahil De, Azadi-e-Darya De
Let the goals be as high as the Pleiades.
Give us the calm and poise of the shore, But the freedom of the sea.
Be Lous Mohabbat Ho, Bebak Sadaqat Ho
Seenon Mein Ujala Kar, Dil Soorat-e-Meena De
Let love be selfless and truth fearless;
Let our breasts be flooded with light-Make our hearts clear as crystal.
Ehsas Anayat Kar Asaar-e-Mosibat Ka
Amroz Ki Shuarish Mein Andesha-e-Farda De
Enable us to foresee the calamity that is coming;
In the midst of today�s upheaval give us a vision of tomorrow.
Main Bulbul-e-Nalan Hun Ek Ujre Gulistan Ka
Taseer Ka Saa�il Hun, Mauhtaj Ko, Data De!
I am a nightingale making my lament, I am from a garden which has been ravaged.
I wish that my prayer would have effect�Give to a beggar, bounteous Lord!
Iss Sheher Ke Khugar Ko Phir Wusaat-e-Sehra De
Lead the stray gazelle back to the Sanctuary.
It has grown used to the city - Give it back the vastness of the desert.
Aux personnes �gar�s montre le chemin de Mecque.
Aux penseurs de cette ville offre l'�tendu d'un d�sert.
Paida Dil-e-Weeran Mein Phir Shaurish-e-Mehshar Kar
Iss Mehmil-e-Khali Ko Phir Shahid-e-Laila De
Stir up again the ruins of the heart with a commotion like judgment Day.
Let this empty litter once again seat a sweetheart - a Layla!
Dans leur c�ur vides, r�veille la peur du jugement denier
Dans leurs c�urs vides prenne place l'amour (pour Allah) semblable � celui de Layla (pour Majnoon).
Iss Dour Ki Zulmat Mein Har Qalb-e-Preshan Ko
Woh Dagh-e-Mohabbat De Jo Chand Ko Sharma De
In the darkness of this age give to every troubled heart
Scars of love that would shame the moon.
Dans l'obscurit� de ce temps, � chaque c�ur inquiet
Offre des marques d'amour qui rivalisent avec ceux de la lune.
Khuddari-e-Sahil De, Azadi-e-Darya De
Let the goals be as high as the Pleiades.
Give us the calm and poise of the shore, But the freedom of the sea.
Que les buts avoisinent les �toiles de la pl�iade.
Donne nous le m�me respect de soi des bord de mers et la libert� des rivi�res.
Be Lous Mohabbat Ho, Bebak Sadaqat Ho
Seenon Mein Ujala Kar, Dil Soorat-e-Meena De
Let love be selfless and truth fearless;
Let our breasts be flooded with light-Make our hearts clear as crystal.
Que l'amour soit d�sint�ress� et la v�rit�, intr�pide.
Illumine nos int�rieurs et que nos c�urs soient aussi pur que du cristal.
Ehsas Anayat Kar Asaar-e-Mosibat Ka
Amroz Ki Shuarish Mein Andesha-e-Farda De
Enable us to foresee the calamity that is coming;
In the midst of today�s upheaval give us a vision of tomorrow.
Qu'on puisse sentir venir les difficult�s
Que dans les occupations d'aujourd'hui on anticipe le demain.
Main Bulbul-e-Nalan Hun Ek Ujre Gulistan Ka
Taseer Ka Saa�il Hun, Mauhtaj Ko, Data De!
I am a nightingale making my lament, I am from a garden which has been ravaged.
I wish that my prayer would have effect�Give to a beggar, bounteous Lord!
Je suis un simple rossignol d�chu d'un jardin d�vast�
Que mon v�u soit exauc�, Donne un Seigneur au pauvre.